Home → WINDEV 2024 → No code found in <MAP ClickableImageTemplate2>
No code found in <MAP ClickableImageTemplate2>
Started by Paul Murray, Apr., 23 2011 8:57 PM - 1 reply
Posted on April, 23 2011 - 8:57 PM
Greetings All,
I am modifying a existing 3-column template in WebDev. I am creating a clickable image (country flag that that is not in the catalog). Everything works fine until I write click on it and select 'Code' as the option.
Then I get the error: No code found in
If someone could suggest how to fix this I will really appreciate it!!
Also, as there is going to be two flags only in this template, can someone please suggest the simplest way to have the literals change from one language to the other?
Thank you!!
Posted on January, 10 2017 - 9:03 PM
Did you ever find a way to fix this error?