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Google maps with AWP
Iniciado por Giselle, 19,may. 2016 16:51 - No hay respuesta
Publicado el 19,mayo 2016 - 16:51
I had initially developed a site of the type Dynamic webdev. After realizing that for internet sites I need to use dynamic AWP or Dynamic PHP I changed the type to DYNAMIC AWP.

I use the following code

gGlParameters is gglMapParameter
grLatitude, grLongitude are reals
gLocalization is gglCoordinate
M1 is gglMarker

// Retrieve the Longitude and Latitude of a physical address
gLocalization = GglAddressToCoordinates(sAddress)
grLatitude = gLocalization..Latitude
grLongitude = gLocalization..Longitude

// Create the marker for this address
M1..Latitude = grLatitude
M1..Longitude = grLongitude
M1..Color = 0x0000FF
M1..Size = gglSmall
Add(gGlParameters..Marker, M1)

// Display the address in an Image control
IMG_MAP = GglGetStaticMap(grLatitude, grLongitude, nMyZoom, IMG_MAP..Width, IMG_MAP..Height, gglRoadmap, gGlParameters)

The parameters for the GglGetStaticMap in debug mode shows the correct latitude, longtitude. When I save the image from the image control IMG_MAP, I even receive a good image. It just does not dynamically display. Is there something that I am missing?

How can I load the image received from the GglGetStaticMap function onto the image control?