Inicio → WEBDEV 2024 → email option... is possible a workaround?
email option... is possible a workaround?
Iniciado por Ferri DANIELE, 09,jun. 2016 19:51 - 1 respuesta
Miembro registrado
19 mensajes
Publicado el 09,junio 2016 - 19:51
Hello from Italy and sorry for bad english

I'm trying the functions related to the envoy of email messages
and I'm getting great satisfaction from the WINDEV tools

now it's time to export my project in Windev Mobile to try it
on a iPhone

OPS! the "optionSSL" constant is not available... :( :( :(


...and trying to send without it... the email don't start!

now? how can I send my emails ???

please help!
Miembro registrado
19 mensajes
Publicado el 12,junio 2016 - 16:11
sorry... posted in the wrong forum