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Import CSS (tutorial, part 4)
Iniciado por Mister REGELING, 09,ago. 2016 13:59 - 1 respuesta
Miembro registrado
2 mensajes
Publicado el 09,agosto 2016 - 13:59
This is about importing CSS style sheet into WebDev.

The mentioned file (customstyles.css) contains 3 styles:
* .styleprice (displaying text in a red color)
* .stylereference
* .styletitle

After importing you can select the 3 styles on elements on a page. Great. All styles get a prefix (eg class-styleprice).

Now two things I notice;

1. The imported classes are not injected into the page stylesheets at runtime (no class-styleprice can be found)
2. The red color is achieved by manually selecting the color attribute of the description of the control

Both are strange and are not explained in the tutorial. Is this a bug in WebDev 20 or something else?
Miembro registrado
2 mensajes
Publicado el 11,agosto 2016 - 10:50
Seems the CSS was being cached somewhere. Restarting the Webdev environment fixed it.