Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → List of parameters with their value ,used just BEFORE executing query
List of parameters with their value ,used just BEFORE executing query
Débuté par christine schokkaert, 25 avr. 2013 12:59 - 3 réponses
Posté le 25 avril 2013 - 12:59
i have a query with several parameters .
I fill up some parameters by querynaam.parameter1 = variabele1
I execute the query hexecutequery(querynaam)
I get with hnbrec(querynaam) the number of records .

My question : i want to get a list of all the parameters that are used with their value to execute this query AT this moment of execution .
Some parameters are set during other parts of the program.

So i can control the number of result in toath or other program (working with MYSQL database )
does this exists ?


Posté le 25 avril 2013 - 16:50
Hi Christine

info(MyQuery.MyParam) ???

Best regards
Posté le 29 avril 2013 - 16:09
Hi Fabrice,

I don't want to name each parameter again. I have a query which contains 20 parameters.

Is there any syntax so that the 'filled in ' parameters (with a value) will be shown.

I need them to put the same sql query syntax in toad (in mysql DB) to compare the results.


Posté le 26 juillet 2014 - 21:39