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[WD19] No analysis files availible in Stored Procedures
Débuté par Michael Drechsel, 05 mar. 2015 14:35 - 10 réponses
Posté le 05 mars 2015 - 14:35

another mysterium:

In my new created stored procedures I can´t use any of the files in my analysis (red compiler error)
"HDeclareExternal" doesn´t help.

I have:

1. Repair the project
2. Delete all cpl files

but no success .... Any ideas ?
Posté le 05 mars 2015 - 19:17

I never worked with stored proc yet, and you probably looked at the help, but at the end of this section they give a code snippet on how to use HDeclareExternal().

<a class="ExternalLink" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://doc.windev.com/en-US/?3044360#NOTE2_1">http://doc.windev.com/en-US/&hellip;</a>

Maybe this ca be of help to you?

Best regards,
Alexandre Leclerc
Posté le 05 mars 2015 - 22:09
Hi Alexandre,

>I never worked with stored proc yet,

really ? It´s the best way to let the server do things asynchron, like sending emails etc.
I use this since WD14 and it works like a charm.

snippet on how to use HDeclareExternal().

As I wrote this doesn´t help. The problem is that none of my analysis files are availibe in Intellisense and not shown for the compiler .... Don´t know how to fix this, in the "normal" procedures all works like expected.
Posté le 06 mars 2015 - 16:43
Hi Michael,

Yeah, never used it because our application must run both in Classic and HFCS mode.

Well, it looks like a call to the Free Technical Support... maybe something is broken or there is something else that causes that.

Good luck and best regards,
Alexandre Leclerc
Posté le 06 mars 2015 - 22:10
Hi Michael,

I have used stored procedures and indeed you have to declare-external each file you want to use of your analysis. In fact at the time of running the procedure, there is no analysis known by the database. So also no intellisense, etc. But I have an example procedure for you. All external declared files in this procedure are in my analysis. Sorry, comments are in Dutch ...

I hope it will help you.

PROCEDURE SaveRelatie(pvRelatieFields is Variant) // // pvRelatieFields heeft formaat: "123","Bedrijfsnaam","Adres","Postcode","Plaats","Landnaam","Telefoon","Telefoon2","Fax","Website","email" // LOCAL lsResult is string liRelatieID is int liRelatietypeID is int dsLand is Data Source dsRelatie is Data Source dsRelatietype is Data Source dsRelatieRelatietype is Data Source dsChangeLog is Data Source dsErrorLog is Data Source // voor error-logging HDeclareExternal("TblRelatie.FIC",dsRelatie) HDeclareExternal("TblLand.FIC",dsLand) HDeclareExternal("TblRelatietype.FIC",dsRelatietype) HDeclareExternal("TblRelatie_TblRelatietype.FIC",dsRelatieRelatietype) HDeclareExternal("TblChangeLog.FIC",dsChangeLog) HDeclareExternal("TblErrorLog.FIC",dsErrorLog) lsResult = 0 // Bepaal huidige waarde RelatieID, 0 = nieuw record, >0 is bestaand record liRelatieID = Val(Replace(ExtractString(pvRelatieFields,1,""",""",FromBeginning),"""","")) IF liRelatieID > 0 THEN IF NOT HReadSeekFirst(dsRelatie,TblRelatieID,liRelatieID) THEN // Als een bestaand record niet gelezen kan worden, // wordt automatisch alsnog een nieuw record aangemaakt ! liRelatieID = 0 END END IF liRelatieID = 0 THEN // Voor nieuw record, ID bepalen van Relatietype - NIEUW IF HReadSeekFirst(dsRelatietype,SoortType,"NIEUW") THEN liRelatietypeID = dsRelatietype.TblRelatietypeID ELSE HReset(dsRelatietype) dsRelatietype.TblRelatietypeCD = "Nieuw" dsRelatietype.SoortType = "NIEUW" IF NOT HAdd(dsRelatietype) THEN // Write errorlog HReset(dsErrorLog) dsErrorLog.ErrorDatum = DateSys() dsErrorLog.ErrorTijd = TimeSys() dsErrorLog.TblMedewerkerID = 0 dsErrorLog.Content = "SP - SaveRelatie(); Error writing TblRelatietype: " + ErrorInfo(errCode) dsErrorLog.CodeContext = "Line 58; IF NOT HAdd(dsRelatietype) THEN ..." HAdd(dsErrorLog) ELSE liRelatietypeID = dsRelatietype.TblRelatietypeID END END HReset(dsRelatie) dsRelatie.actief = True dsRelatie.LandPost = "" dsRelatie.LandFactuur = "" END dsRelatie.Bedrijfsnaam = Replace(ExtractString(pvRelatieFields,2,""",""",FromBeginning),"""","") dsRelatie.AdresBezoek = Replace(ExtractString(pvRelatieFields,3,""",""",FromBeginning),"""","") dsRelatie.PostcodeBezoek = Replace(ExtractString(pvRelatieFields,4,""",""",FromBeginning),"""","") dsRelatie.PlaatsBezoek = Upper(Replace(ExtractString(pvRelatieFields,5,""",""",FromBeginning),"""","")) dsRelatie.LandBezoek = Replace(ExtractString(pvRelatieFields,6,""",""",FromBeginning),"""","") dsRelatie.Telefoon = Replace(ExtractString(pvRelatieFields,7,""",""",FromBeginning),"""","") dsRelatie.Telefoon2 = Replace(ExtractString(pvRelatieFields,8,""",""",FromBeginning),"""","") dsRelatie.telefax = Replace(ExtractString(pvRelatieFields,9,""",""",FromBeginning),"""","") dsRelatie.Website = Replace(ExtractString(pvRelatieFields,10,""",""",FromBeginning),"""","") dsRelatie.Email = Replace(ExtractString(pvRelatieFields,11,""",""",FromBeginning),"""","") IF Left(dsRelatie.achternaam) = "" THEN dsRelatie.achternaam = dsRelatie.Bedrijfsnaam END IF liRelatieID = 0 _OR_ Left(dsRelatie.TblRelatieCD) = "" THEN // Stel de relatieCD vast, 1e 3 pos. van de naam + 1e 3 pos. van de plaats, geconverteerd naar uppercase. dsRelatie.TblRelatieCD = Upper(dsRelatie.Bedrijfsnaam[[1 TO 3]] + dsRelatie.PlaatsBezoek[[1 TO 3]]) END IF Left(dsRelatie.Bedrijfsnaam) = "" THEN lsResult = "0" + TAB + "Invalid value for 'Bedrijfsnaam'" ELSE IF dsRelatie.LandBezoek > "" _AND_ NOT HSeekFirst(dsLand,Landnaam,dsRelatie.LandBezoek) THEN lsResult = "0" + TAB + "Invalid value for 'LandBezoek', no reference in TblLand" ELSE IF liRelatieID = 0 THEN IF NOT HAdd(dsRelatie) THEN lsResult = "0" + TAB + "Error writing TblRelatie: " + ErrorInfo(errCode) HReset(dsErrorLog) dsErrorLog.ErrorDatum = DateSys() dsErrorLog.ErrorTijd = TimeSys() dsErrorLog.TblMedewerkerID = 0 dsErrorLog.Content = "SP - SaveRelatie(); Error writing TblRelatie: " + ErrorInfo(errCode) dsErrorLog.CodeContext = "Line 103; IF NOT HAdd(dsRelatie) THEN ..." HAdd(dsErrorLog) ELSE // Nieuw TblRelatieID in het resultaat zetten lsResult = NumToString(dsRelatie.TblRelatieID) // Schrijf ook een record in TblCangeLog HReset(dsChangeLog) dsChangeLog.Entity = "TblRelatie" dsChangeLog.Changetype = 10 // Constante is hier niet bereikbaar ! dsChangeLog.Identifier = dsRelatie.TblRelatieID dsChangeLog.ChangeDate = DateSys() + TimeSys() // Server date+time dsChangeLog.ChangeUser = HRuntimeInfo.Login IF HAdd(dsChangeLog) THEN // Niets doen END // Koppel relatietype - Nieuw aan deze nieuwe relatie IF liRelatietypeID > 0 THEN HReset(dsRelatieRelatietype) dsRelatieRelatietype.TblRelatieID = dsRelatie.TblRelatieID dsRelatieRelatietype.TblRelatietypeID = liRelatietypeID IF NOT HAdd(dsRelatieRelatietype) THEN // Schrijf errorlog HReset(dsErrorLog) dsErrorLog.ErrorDatum = DateSys() dsErrorLog.ErrorTijd = TimeSys() dsErrorLog.TblMedewerkerID = 0 dsErrorLog.Content = "SP - SaveRelatie(); Error writing TblRelatie_TblRelatietype: " + ErrorInfo(errCode) dsErrorLog.CodeContext = "Line 134; IF NOT HAdd(dsRelatieRelatietype) THEN ..." HAdd(dsErrorLog) END END END ELSE IF NOT HModify(dsRelatie) THEN lsResult = "0" + TAB + "Error modifying TblRelatie: " + ErrorInfo(errCode) HReset(dsErrorLog) dsErrorLog.ErrorDatum = DateSys() dsErrorLog.ErrorTijd = TimeSys() dsErrorLog.TblMedewerkerID = 0 dsErrorLog.Content = "SP - SaveRelatie(); Error modifying TblRelatie: " + ErrorInfo(errCode) dsErrorLog.CodeContext = "Line 147; IF NOT HModify(dsRelatie) THEN ..." HAdd(dsErrorLog) ELSE lsResult = NumToString(dsRelatie.TblRelatieID) // Schrijf ook een record in TblCangeLog HReset(dsChangeLog) dsChangeLog.Entity = "TblRelatie" dsChangeLog.Changetype = 20 // Constante is hier niet bereikbaar ! dsChangeLog.Identifier = dsRelatie.TblRelatieID dsChangeLog.ChangeDate = DateSys() + TimeSys() // Server date+time dsChangeLog.ChangeUser = HRuntimeInfo.Login IF HAdd(dsChangeLog) THEN // Niets doen END END END END END RESULT lsResult
Posté le 07 mars 2015 - 11:38
Hi Stefan,

thx for your code snippet, but I know how to use it.
My code looks like


For all system
//bla bla

The compiler makes this red and say "file unknown".
In my previos WD17 project I have a similar effect.
When I add an new field in an existing file this field is not recognised in stored procedures.
I had to repair the project and delete the cpl files to fix that. But in my actual case it doesn´t help.
Posté le 07 mars 2015 - 20:41
We make considerable use of HyperFile stored procedures and have no problems with intelisense during code editing. If changes are made to the analysis, it is picked up and applied to SPs as part of project synchronization.

Perhaps our config is a bit different than yours. What we find works is to install HFCS on all development computers and define in the analysis a HFCS connection to localhost making the analysis portable.

Others have suggested that adding HFCS connections to analysis should be avoided, but we haven't found a way not to when using SPs. At least by using localhost, the analysis remains portable.

We don't use HDeclareExternal. Test data must be moved from classic to HFCS on all development computers, which is what I believe is needed if you are going to include SPs in your project / analysis.

As normal, we use HOpenConection / HChangeConnection to switch the connection from localhost to production HFCS for deployment.

I'd be interested to know if there is a better way to develop with SPs...

Posté le 08 mars 2015 - 11:43
Hi Michael

I do not use stored procedures, but looking at Stefan and your examples, i wonder if you miss a Data source declaration, like this:

dsSystem is Data Source


For all dsSystem
//bla bla

Just a thought.

Best regards
Viggo Poulsen
Posté le 08 mars 2015 - 14:24
Hi Viggo,

the help says:

: Character string (with quotes)

Logical name of the data file. This name will be used to handle the data file. This name can also correspond to a Data Source variable.

I use SP for a long time and never used a Datasource at this point. But maybe the compiler handles it in a different way in WD19. I check it out, thx for the hint.
Posté le 09 mars 2015 - 02:39
Hello Michael

I have stored procedures and do NOT use HDeclareExternal. I created the global procedures then imported them in the Analysis.

BTW to use the HDeclareExternal try this
bResulthDeclare is boolean = HDeclareExternal(".\ALERTS.FIC","SPAlerts")
Posté le 09 mars 2015 - 03:54
Ah.. DW, I think that's a variation to what we do.

I ran through creating a test project from scratch just to verify as follows:

During the new project wizard, I selected "Yes create a new database", selected Hyperfile classic, created a test file with a couple of test fields. Done with the wizard.

Opened the analysis, navigate to project explorer and selected the analysis. There is a node called "Stored Procedures" --> right click, select "New set of stored procedures" Save the new set of procedures which will be empty at first. By default the set is stored in the analysis, which is what I did.

Test Intellisense:

Navigate to new set created, right click and create new stored procedure. Add some test code and reference the test file and fields with intellisense. So far so good... Save the stored procedure and generate the analysis.

Test synchronization:

Edit one of the items in the file, change a name of one of the fields, save analysis, then generate. New field name is synchronized into stored procedure along with project code and GUI. Now we can tweek and update analysis and WD takes care of the tedious bits of renaming all the referances, including those in SP.

Sometimes changes to analysis are not reflected in SPs right away. In this case, recompile the analysis as a project compile doesn't compile the analysis. The analysis compile is done from the Analysis ribbon.

Use HExecuteProcedure to call the stored procedure from project code, or _SetName.SP from within a calculated query item. The query editor handles most of the syntax using intellisense when referencing SPs...

I'm not sure why HDeclareExternal is being used? Is it because you don't want the stored procedures stored in the analysis for some reason?

Dave B.