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Analysis - making it more usable
Débuté par Al, 27 juil. 2016 16:18 - 3 réponses
Posté le 27 juillet 2016 - 16:18
Hello All

The Analysis - the heart of the Windev world - has always been difficult to use e.g. adding more than one field is quite tedious but I have discovered a way to make it much easier - and some of you may already know this, but it was a revelation to me.

The functions all support keyboard shortcuts and they are remembered !
So right click on the + image to add a new field add a shortcut - in my case Ctrl+A and new fields can be added using that shortcut. Moving a field up and down is now + or - for me which works much better then the mouse click on the function.

The option to assign shortcuts should be in flashing lights when going into the Analysis because it makes a world of difference to its usability.

Posté le 27 juillet 2016 - 16:27
Thanks Al, I didn't know that. Pretty cool.
Posté le 28 juillet 2016 - 08:18
Yep Al, very cool indeed
Marc :cool:
Posté le 28 juillet 2016 - 13:13
This is great! It also works in the Control Description window!

I immediately put F9 as a shortcut to this window.

Thanks again, this is so helpfull!

WinDev 21 with Oracle, WinDevMobile Android Apps and Motorola Windows CE Mobile Barcode Scanners, Python 3 with Oracle and MySQL