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Map Marker
Started by Mister RUAN, Apr., 18 2017 3:10 PM - 1 reply
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Posted on April, 18 2017 - 3:10 PM
Good Day

Is there a way to add a marker on the map without the Lat & Long info. I want it to add a marker from only the address and by doing that return the LAT & LONG. Tried using MapAddMarker but needs LAT & LONG.


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Posted on April, 19 2017 - 10:42 AM
I managed to get this right doing this.

MyZoom is int = 12
Latitude, Longitude are reals
Localization is gglCoordinate

MyPosition is geoPosition

Localization = GglAddressToCoordinates("12 William Nicol Drive, Sandton")
Latitude = Localization..Latitude
Longitude = Localization..Longitude

MyPosition..Latitude = Latitude
MyPosition..Longitude = Longitude

MyMarker is Marker
MyMarker..Position = MyPosition

MapAddMarker(MAP_NoName3, MyMarker)
MapDisplayPosition(MAP_NoName3, MyPosition)
MAP_NoName3..Zoom = MyZoom