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[SiteDirectory / SCM] Asset folder and SCM
Started by EKoster, Apr., 11 2021 9:07 AM - No answer
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Posted on April, 11 2021 - 9:07 AM
In webprojects I often have an 'assets' folder which houses for example images and scripts. I understand webdev has the SiteDirectory. Indeed, if I add an asset folder there via e.g. windows explorer and include images in it, you can read the structure in the image gallery. However, I can't seem to add this new folder to SCM and these files should be included in SCM for they are used in the project.

How does one do this usually? I don't think you would first add a image to e.g. others for then you have no structure and finding it is a drama when you need to edit the image. Also everything you add is non structured in the app root unless you add it as reference which is not advised.