Newsgroup dedicated to WEBDEV (current version), in English
« Is it possible to built memory table during run time? Thanks.… »
Started on Jun. 10 2009 by
« Good Afternoon all of you. Well i am having a problem concerning displaying of addresses of each atm. the address of the atm have been saved in A file called map.fic. What i want t… »
Started on Jun. 05 2009 by
« Good morning, know someone tell me how can I update the value of a control on a page, through, selection, for example, a combo that is located on another page. On the home page (P… »
Started on May. 25 2009 by
« Hello everyone, You can check out the new videos of version 14 in English, on our website. You will find them here: http://www.windev.com/pcsoft/videos.html These technical video… »
Started on May. 25 2009 by
« Hi Everybody. My problem is as follows: I have created a page where the user can enter his/her personal details and also he/she can add his curriculum vitae. For that i have put a … »
Started on May. 22 2009 by
« Dear everybody, Sorry to disturb again. I hope you give me some ideas relating to the deployment of the site: I just recently finish my website on webdev and now try to deploy so … »
Started on May. 05 2009 by
« Hello everybody, my problem is as follows. I have a page with a looper control and an Internal Page control link to a Internal page that contains a table (loaded from a query) and … »
Started on May. 19 2009 by
« I have the following code - the record exists And ..NewRecord is True -- it should be False... HReadSeekFirst(Customer,CustomerID,gRecordID) Info("HReadSeekFirst " + Customer..Ne… »
Started on May. 18 2009 by
« As you probably know, the WINDEV technical conference in the USA will take place (Amelia Island, Florida) this weekend. At this conference, version 14 of WINDEV will be presented t… »
Started on May. 15 2009 by
« Hi all, I'm trying to use "Lightbox" in one of the pages of my project. This is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. I want to to use this javas… »
Started on Aug. 23 2008 by