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[5.5] HinfoGene
Started by al, Jan., 13 2004 4:39 PM - 1 reply
Posted on January, 13 2004 - 4:39 PM
G'day All
I have a problem with the help doco in relation to hadd, hinfogene and the value in h.numrec
The doco states
"If HAdd is called before or after HInfoGene, the record number returned by HAdd (in H.NumRec) is different from that returned by HInfoGene. (HAdd returns the number of the added record, whereas HInfoGene returns the number of the last record read.)"
In my experience the value of h.numrec after a hadd is 0, not the number of the added record. I have to issue hinfogene() to get the correct value for h.numrec
I use the h.numrec value mainly in reports to fill a memzone and run the reports from the memzone with a list of record numbers. So I am writing records into a temp file and recording its h.numrec as I go. Without the hinfogene after each hadd the h.numrec is 0
I don't think I am doing anything strange when I add a record using hadd so I am curious.
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Posted on June, 26 2019 - 3:53 PM