Newsgroup dedicated to the earlier versions of WINDEV, in English
« Hello, How do i CREATE table in an Client Server database. Tables created in my Analysis does not appear automatically there. how do i manage the analysis and the HF Client server… »
Started on Jul. 09 2009 by
« Hello Everybody! I have version 12 of Windev, and I started to develop a simple application that handle price list of my wife Shop. When I change a database field, for example, a… »
Started on Sep. 12 2010 by
« I need a way to intercept the mouse left down event. I have automatic scrolling and zoom on. I want to be able to draw a rectangle over the image, but the drag option keeps moving … »
Started on Sep. 02 2010 by
« I am using WinDev version 12 and I have a new application recently deployed. The back end is HFCS and I have some WebDev applications also using the same analysis and database. I … »
Started on Aug. 25 2010 by
« Hi all Complete beginner, making another attempt at starting with Windev 14. How do I use an existing project as the basis for another, if I create a prject with a new name and t… »
Started on Jul. 18 2010 by
« Salut à tous. Je suis néophyte du langage windev et j'ai besoin d'aide sur la compilation dynamique. Je veux faire une requête paramétrée à trois variable sur un produit: Réf Désig… »
Started on Jul. 15 2010 by
« I want to connect to a database (MySQL) with a .INI file. Is there a working example. Thanks, Willy Hermans… »
Started on Jun. 28 2010 by
« I've followed my first windows tutorial from windev14 tutorial book, but when i created WIN_Menu and linked it with WIN_Counter and WIN_Edit it appeared errors when i run it (when… »
Started on May. 27 2010 by
« Hi! I am trying in vain to work with a table in a looper control but based on all my testing and all my finds on different forums it looks like that does not work out. The table … »
Started on May. 17 2010 by
« I'm having an issue where the call to EmailStartSMTPSession times out and passes me back the error: SMTP Session: connection failed. No server response. Socket Connection Timeout:… »
Started on May. 08 2010 by