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RESTSend not responding
Started by triantafillos, Sep., 30 2021 12:52 PM - 2 replies
Posted on September, 30 2021 - 12:52 PM
In some pc's the RESTSend not responding today but in other pcs responding and its ok .

cMyRequest is restRequest
cMyRequest..URL = "my https url"
cMyRequest..Header["Accept"]= "application/json"
cMyRequest..ContentType = "application/json"
cMyRequest..Method= httpGet

cMyResponse is restResponse = RESTSend(cMyRequest)

Trace("cMyResponse.StatusCode : " + cMyResponse.StatusCode)
Trace("cMyResponse..Content : " + cMyResponse..Content)


the cMyResponse.StatusCode in pc that not respond get 0 in ather pc that response i get 200 in same url request
any idea
Posted on September, 30 2021 - 4:05 PM
Same problem in windev 25.
In version 20 it's ok.

I try to reinstall c++ on pc but not fixed
Posted on October, 01 2021 - 12:23 PM
Problem resolver after add

cMyRequest..IgnoreError= httpIgnoreExpiredCertificate + httpIgnoreInvalidCertificate + httpIgnoreInvalidCertificateName