Home → WINDEV Mobile 2024 → [WM20] Call to Webservice works in Android v5 and v6 but not in v3 or v4
[WM20] Call to Webservice works in Android v5 and v6 but not in v3 or v4
Started by Neil Porter, Mar., 03 2017 10:09 PM - No answer
Posted on March, 03 2017 - 10:09 PM
sWebServiceRequest is LoginLogout
sWebServiceResponse is LoginLogout_response

sWebServiceRequest.username = EDT_User_ID
sWebServiceRequest.password = EDT_Password
sWebServiceRequest.serialno = sSerialNumber

sWebServiceResponse = LoginLogout(sWebServiceRequest)

This code used to work fine in Android v3.2 and later when
LoginLogout_response was a single string containing an xml structure. I
then had to parse the xml myself to read the data into my variables.

The webservice has been updated to provide me with multiple fields that
I can reference directly in my code rather than having to parse the xml

The code works fine in the simulator, and with devices running Android
v5 and above, but gives me an error when I call LoginLogout with
earlier versions of Android.

Do I have to set some additional properties to call a webservice with
earlier versions of Android?

