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Android Export-Create text unicode
Started by Mister TRIANTAFILLOS, Feb., 14 2018 6:32 PM - No answer
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30 messages
Posted on February, 14 2018 - 6:32 PM
I try to save unicode text file in android but allways show non unicode chars ok and unicode chars as symbols.
this is my code .

MyTextString is Unicode string = "τεστ ελληνικά unicode" + CR + "Using fSaveText τεστ"
fSaveText("/data/sorage0/document.txt", MyTextString)

i try and with fOpen and fWrite - fWriteLine but same proble
FileID = fOpen("/data/sorage0/document.txt", foReadWrite)
IF FileID <> -1 THEN
fWriteLine(FileID, "MyTextString )

and i try to export and in pdf but not support unicode chars in android.

Anyone have suggestions ?
Message modified, February, 14 2018 - 6:33 PM