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[WM20] Edit with Looper
Started by ARV, Jun., 04 2018 7:23 PM - 2 replies
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Posted on June, 04 2018 - 7:23 PM
Hi everyone

I want to put an edit to a looper, but this edit I want it with Multilinetext my question here is that if I have 3 lines of text on that edit. How I cant increase the row of the looper to be sequential with the info of the edit?

is it possible?

something like a table when the colum is multi-line Text and have an automatic line wrap

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Posted on June, 04 2018 - 7:34 PM
Hi another thing I want to do is

For the transmitter be on the right and the receiver be on the left, I cant do it on the table but all the colum is alway on one side not both, I don't know what item use for this and the first comment...

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Posted on June, 25 2018 - 4:28 PM
Solve the problem using MultiLineZone, also on the new version of windev mobile 23 the rows of the looper can be even more large than the others but in the end I use MultiLineZone

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