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Windev Mobile Notifications and procedure when screen is off
Started by WindevCol, Apr., 27 2019 7:34 AM - 3 replies
Posted on April, 27 2019 - 7:34 AM
Hello there, i have an automated procedure that i need to run every 2 minutes process some data and fires some notifications. everything works fine as long as the application is opened, but when the application goes into the background or when the screen is off, the procedures stops running and the notifications do not show. Anyone can help so that procedure will run even if the application is on the background and that the notifications show and procedure is run even if the screen is off ? i am willing to pay to learn how to do that or hire someone to do that for me. Thanks for your help. and leave your email if you are interested in help me with that. (this should be done both for Android and IOS)

Posted on June, 07 2019 - 9:58 AM
Had the same problem, any solutions available?

Posted on June, 07 2019 - 5:10 PM
ThreadPersistant is what you are after. Have a look in the help to see how it is used.
Posted on June, 08 2019 - 3:51 AM
ThreadPersistant is not the answer at least the way all the sample code i have seen and PCSOFT has provided works. even the message background samples does not work properly.

1) If you compile the ThreadPersistant sample they provide it does work properly in Android and long as you keep it AS IS (meaning the message cannot be personalized it need to be kind or hardcoded)
2) if you try to run on that same thread (the thread that run in the background, any function to be able to personalize the message you will display on that thread on the phone) the message NEVER raises and the displaying of that message never works. that have i done with the background message sample and as soon as you try to do anything else on that thread to personalize the message the sample stops working. (meaning the message never raises and is never displayed)

I have tried many things and have not been able to find a solution yet, is really annoying. and until know have not found anyone that has been able to help with that issue.