Newsgroup dedicated to WINDEV Mobile (current version), in English
« Boa tarde, estou tentando fazer um jogo no windev mobile e queria ver se alguem sabe como faco para criar imagens em tempo de execução, por linha de codigo… »
Started on Jun. 11 2016 by
« extract from the help online emailOptionSecuredTLS Start the SMTP session secured by the TLS protocol. Linux Windows Mobile Universal Windows 10 AppiPhone/iPad *** This constant i… »
Started on Jun. 12 2016 by
« Hey all, I have a new android device here that has a barcode scanning laser on it. This barcode reader talks to the device via a serial port labeled as /dev/ttyMT0 in the OS. My … »
Started on Mar. 02 2016 by
« JSON_Analyseur // Classe Analyseur // Analyse un code JSON JSON_Analyseur est une Classe GLOBAL PRIVÉ // Expression régulière pour les caractères Unicode dans une chaîne Javascr… »
Started on Dec. 12 2014 by
« Hi, I'm trying to send information to a non WinDev server from a WM Android app by HTTPRequest() function when I get an error "This address cannot be used to locate server". I mad… »
Started on Jun. 06 2016 by
« Hi, I want to send binary messages through socket connection, the idea is send 4 bytes of a integer representing the message size, after that, send the message itself in binary. An… »
Started on May. 31 2016 by
« Ola, gostaria de saber se é possível enviar mensagens binárias atravéz de uma conexão de socket pelo windev mobile, a ideia é mandar 4 bytes de um int representando o tamanho da me… »
Started on May. 31 2016 by
« I'm developing an Android app with a SQLite database in WM21 but I can't find the way to execute SQL statements like "ALTER TABLE". Query editor don't suport this kind of statemen… »
Started on May. 19 2016 by
« Hi How do you reference third party external java classes in a windev Mobile (Android) 19 Project? I have a biometric device that comes with its own sdk (.java and .class). I wou… »
Started on Mar. 21 2016 by
« Bonjour je suis entrain de crée une application mobile destine a PDA MC2100 MOTOROLA dont le system d'exploitation Windows Embedded CE 6.0 le problem qunad lors des création de exé… »
Started on May. 18 2016 by