Inicio → WINDEV 2024 → Window border color
Window border color
Iniciado por Antonino, 21,ago. 2019 09:27 - 4 respuestas
Publicado el 21,agosto 2019 - 09:27
Hi Gents,

is there a way to change the default window border color for a specific window in Windev 24? I can't see such an option in the description of the window and can't see any tip in the help to do this programmatically.

Any suggestion?

Thank you all for your time and care.

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Popularité : +1 (1 vote)
Publicado el 22,agosto 2019 - 11:41

I just discovered the tool any windev user has : wdapi.exe
it contains a lot of api info.
I am checking it out..
Publicado el 22,agosto 2019 - 16:29
Hi Gents,

I have been trying to use this, it should change the background color of a window, but it does not work. Any suggestion?


// Arrays.
garrElements is array of 1 int = [COLOR_WINDOW]
garrColors is array of 1 int = [RGB(0x80, 0x00, 0x80)]

// Booleans.
gbBOOL is boolean

// Set background color.
gbBOOL = API("USER32", "SetSysColors", ArrayCount(garrElements), garrElements[1], garrColors[1])

Publicado el 23,agosto 2019 - 15:32
Hi, changing the background color of a window is easy! Example:

MyWindow..BackGroundColor = iPastelRed
Publicado el 26,agosto 2019 - 09:35
Guenter Predl wrote:
Hi, changing the background color of a window is easy! Example:

MyWindow..BackGroundColor = iPastelRed

Hi Guenter,

this changes the background color of the window but not the border color or the color of the title bar which is what I am trying to achieve.