Accueil → WEBDEV 2024 → Change language
Change language
Débuté par BluStar, 28 aoû. 2017 17:32 - 1 réponse
Posté le 28 août 2017 - 17:32
Hi to all.
How do you change the Webdev interface and code language (example French ot English) ?
Posté le 28 août 2017 - 19:39

the webdev editor interface language is fixed. The french version is
another product to install, and you can download it from the pcsoft.fr
website and install it side by side with the us version (in another

You can then either run the french or us version (2 separate exes that
are not made available at the same time and most often don't have
exactly the same subversion number).

The code language can be change in the options of the code editor and
tralsnated on the fly by an option in the code menu.

Best regards

Fabrice Harari
International WinDev, WebDev and WinDev mobile Consulting

Ready for you: WXShowroom.com, WXReplication (open source) and now WXEDM
(open source)

More information on http://www.fabriceharari.com

Le 8/28/2017 à 9:32 AM, BluStar a écrit :
Hi to all.
How do you change the Webdev interface and code language (example
French  ot English) ?