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Vagrant access Dart webdev server
Débuté par SOHAMMAOOR, 27 sep. 2022 12:42 - Aucune réponse
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Posté le 27 septembre 2022 - 12:42
I am learning Dart. I already installed Dart, and also the CLI tools (webdev and stagehand).

I successfully made a Dart console app and ran it without any issues. Then I started a bare-bones web app project and I ran the app with the following command:

webdev serve
And it started to run the web app in localhost on port 8080:

Serving web on

I already changed the forwarded port to 8080 in the vagrant file like this:

config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080, host_ip: ""
But I still cannot access/view the Dart web app, so my best guest is that I am doing something wrong with the port forwarding. How can I access my Dart web app running in vagrant from the browser?

I am using an ubuntu box.