Accueil → WEBDEV 2024 → Search any string in a table
Search any string in a table
Débuté par JoseM, 30 oct. 2009 16:52 - 1 réponse
Posté le 30 octobre 2009 - 16:52
Is there any way when I click on the magnifying glass in a table can do a search for any string in the column? Alternatively, another way of doing the same search.

Posté le 30 mai 2017 - 16:52
Yes...I wanted a "search" field outside of my table to use as a record "locator"...basically working the same as clicking on the hourglass in the LastName column in my table and then entering a search name...but I got tired of hitting the hourglass then entering the name, etc.

I used a standard edit control, added a "Clear/All" button to negate the search and a "Search" button (which I later hid/skipped.)

On my search entry field (EDT_SearchField) I changed the GUI, Right Click to "press" the Search button. This allowed me to enter any search characters I wanted in the EDT_SearchField and press the right mouse button to execute the search without having to move and select the "Search" button..

After experimenting I then added this code to the "Whenever modifying EDT_SearchName:


Whenever modifying EDT_SearchName
// on "change" input right mouse key

In my example I have a window with a table displayed with a column named "COL_LastName." I search the COL_LastName for any matching LastNames that begin with the character/character sequence I entry into the "EDT_SearchName.,"

Each time I enter a key in the EDT_SearchName, the COL_LastName is incrementally searched. If I enter the letter "e", the first LastName beginning with "e" is brought to the top of the table.

If I continue and hit the "t" key, the COL_LastName is then incremented to show the first LastName beginning with "et," etc.

The search is not case sensitive..."e" is the same as "E"..."t" is the same as "T."