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Error while installng Natif sql server 23 and webdev 23
Débuté par Klajdi, 02 sep. 2022 16:14 - 2 réponses
Posté le 02 septembre 2022 - 16:14
Hello all, hope you are doing well.
I am asking your help for a problem i am facing while installing both sql server 23 and webdev 23. I am installing them i n a windows server 2019, and after the first step if requires user and password as in attach because of an error of proxy. I have disablled proxy and restarted the server but still the same. Server is part of a domain but i can not remove it from the domain. I am also attaching the log at the path Downloads\PC SOFT\Accès Natif SQL Server 23 - Installation

Please if someone has had the same problem help me

Thank you

Membre enregistré
3 messages
Posté le 24 novembre 2022 - 17:07
Yup. I witnessed a similar issue, and I was not sure about the reason. Anyone else?

Membre enregistré
5 messages
Posté le 24 janvier 2023 - 19:15
WD23 has a bug with Native connectors in general when importing a description for the Analysis. I have the same issue with MariaDB and see this link for MySQL:

Workaround is to create your Project in WD20, import the analysis then update the project to 23...

If you are lucky, you can submit a request to tech support for the existing fix in WDANA.DLL that should correct this issue if you don't get automatically rejected by being on WD23...