Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → Re: [5.5] Test for blank with input mask
Re: [5.5] Test for blank with input mask
Débuté par Clive Dickinson, 22 juin 2003 16:01 - Aucune réponse
Posté le 22 juin 2003 - 16:01
I am using 7.5 at present.
If I create a string variable and then create an edit control to edit that variable and give it a mask of +999.99, then put code in the exit embed to test if the control is blank (eg if var1 = "" then info("blank entry") end) this displays the info line if I tab through it leaving the control blank.
Likewise, if I just create the edit control and give it a type of text but an edit mask of +999.99 (or use the "digits plus +,." option)
I also tried taking a text field in a file and using an edit control on that field with the same mask.
In all cases the blank detection worked fine.
Is there something different about 5.5 ?