Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → View sort order
View sort order
Débuté par John Marrone, 17 aoû. 2004 17:33 - 1 réponse
Posté le 17 août 2004 - 17:33
I have created a number of views with the wizard. When I choose an integer field to sort by it works fine.
But when I choose a decimal number type field it does not give me the view in sorted order, it looks like it
just ignors it. I need to create a view and have the sort order based on a decimal type field. Can anybody please help.
John Marrone
Posté le 18 août 2004 - 18:36
I have created a number of views with the wizard. When I choose an integer field to sort by it works fine.
But when I choose a decimal number type field it does not give me the view in sorted order, it looks like it
just ignors it. I need to create a view and have the sort order based on a decimal type field. Can anybody please help.

Sorry, no real solution regarding the decimals, but a workaround may be to convert the decimals to ints, put them in another field, then sort on the ints.