Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → How to share an Analyses through SCM for different Projects
How to share an Analyses through SCM for different Projects
Débuté par meikl, 26 aoû. 2016 10:27 - 4 réponses
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Posté le 26 août 2016 - 10:27
Hi all,

lets have three developers, which works on three different projects. Each project have the same Analyses. Each Developer may modify the Analyses by the Development-Process.

How to get the Analyses available for all three developers and ensuring through scm that only one can modify the analyses at a time?

Currently i see that windev just copies the Analyses into the project-directory (as there is a must to do so), where the developer can modify this local copy, which is then checked into the scm under the developers Project. In this case three initial same analyses are created intitial, which may differ through the three development-processes and must be merged in what way ever.

Any hints

meikl :)
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Posté le 29 août 2016 - 10:39
just to push this thread to front ...
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Posté le 30 août 2016 - 15:09
pushed again ... any suggestions are welcome !
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Posté le 31 août 2016 - 13:11
well, seems no one may have such scenario :(
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Posté le 28 août 2018 - 14:48
just unsolved ... maybe someone has a solution now ;)