Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → still no native report in WM23 android
still no native report in WM23 android
Débuté par ccc2, 17 fév. 2018 19:35 - 1 réponse
Posté le 17 février 2018 - 19:35
still no native report in WM23 android, why ?
Posté le 17 février 2018 - 22:51

IMHO, for a series of reason:
- there is no native printing system/standard printer drivers supported on android, therefore any DIRECT printing from android needs to be done in a specific way for each printer
- there is not a lot of need for complicated report printing on a ticket printer (the only kind available for Android, AFAIK), therefore, anything complex will be printed on a regular printer on a regular pc, and you can move the printing process there
- if you REALLY NEED to print something on android, you can with the regular iPrint functions (the same way we were printing everything before the report editor became available, and the same way I'm still printing some things much more easily than with the report editor), generate a PDF, then send the pdf to whatever

Best regards