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Word or pdf templates filled with DB fields
Débuté par skippy, 04 juil. 2019 19:16 - 2 réponses
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17 messages
Posté le 04 juillet 2019 - 19:16
Is it possible to create a template for a Word or PDF document with placeholders to be replaced by text fields of a database ?
And remove the placeholders (including title) if the DB fields are empty ?
For each record of the DB one section in the document, so it must iterate though the table
Message modifié, 04 juillet 2019 - 19:19
Posté le 04 juillet 2019 - 20:35
that indeed is possible using a Mail Merge technique
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17 messages
Posté le 08 juillet 2019 - 20:38
if you mean the mail merge from word, I know that. It's the functionality I want to replace with just a button in a separate application.

Windev, WinMobile & WebDev 24