Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → Error calling a local procedure
Error calling a local procedure
Débuté par hoste martin, 28 fév. 2021 11:38 - 1 réponse
Posté le 28 février 2021 - 11:38
my version final version windev 23
Sometimes when we run the program we call local procedure with different parameters.
This run fine 100 tines and more but a certain moments we become an error because that the quantité of parameters are not the same then what he espect. But 1 minute before he has no problem and the quantité of paramters is ok.
The only thing that you must do is delete the closing bracket and set it back then it's back fine till the next time he think that there is a problem.
This is give problems at the moment you create an executable then this error is in the executable and nobody likes this

Know somebody the reason why windev do such things. So that we can solve this

Thanks in advance

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7 messages
Posté le 01 mars 2021 - 13:38
Hi Martin,
My guess would be that every hundredth time you execute a call to the function with the wrong number of arguments.
I would check the source code with "Find" and/or trap the error and see the calling stack.
All the best