Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → [WD75] Passing table contents
[WD75] Passing table contents
Débuté par Daniel Ramirez, 19 juin 2003 16:50 - 3 réponses
Posté le 19 juin 2003 - 16:50
Hello all:
I am looking for a way of pass the contents of a table (memory or browse) between different windows or as a return value from procedures, but I can not find a way, can some one please point me in the right direction??
Thanks in advance.
Posté le 19 juin 2003 - 20:10
I am looking for a way of pass the contents of a table (memory or browse)
between different windows or as a return value from procedures, but I can not
find a way, can some one please point me in the right direction??

I do not exactly know what you mean but if you want to know the value of a
control on another window it is like "MyVar=OtherWindow.Control"
(no difference if it is a table, edit control ...)

Posté le 20 juin 2003 - 10:27
have a look at the vision+ windows of the windows assistant.
If you have more questions, ask me.


Hello all:
I am looking for a way of pass the contents of a table (memory or browse) between different windows or as a return value from procedures, but I can not find a way, can some one please point me in the right direction??
Thanks in advance.
Posté le 20 juin 2003 - 12:46
Thanks Thilo and Peter for your comments, but let me try to better explain what I want to do.
Say you have a window with a table, the table contents (several rows/records)is builded through several filters applied to a query and you also maybe have some calculated rows inserted on the table. Now you want to send all the rows/records your table has to another window, table, procedure or whatever but without using a FOR i=1 to table..occurrence...., and using instead something like a 'list' variable or memory zone, or view or temporal text file.
As you can see, I have a disperse idea about how to do what I want, but surely some of you know an easier and faster way to do it.
Hope I have made myself clearer, and thanks again.