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Cloud Server not sync'd with project
Débuté par RobertLEO, 22 oct. 2019 08:51 - Aucune réponse
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Posté le 22 octobre 2019 - 08:51
Hello friends,

I have recently merged and exported my database from 2 different groups from my local server to a LINUX based cloud server, on the windev mobile side, two separate groups of my dev team imported the database from the server (which strangely no longer included the links between each data but that was a minor inconvenience at worst), but then after we had changed a few of the data on windev mobile, for some reason we got an error stating a compatibility issue where the data on cloud and in local are mismatched (we added a new field into the "erroneous" data) which means that what we're doing is not sync'd with the cloud, is there a way to fix this without overwriting the two different groups' changes on their end. And I decided to "hot" synchronize the data analysis with the cloud server while manually selecting which data to update and NOT to update so that it doesn't overwrite the other team's progress, so is there a way to make this whole process automatic and how can the different groups sync their analysis with the other group's changes (without overwriting their own)?