Accueil → WINDEV Mobile 2024 → [WM24] Android Is there a way to lock screen orientation via programming?
[WM24] Android Is there a way to lock screen orientation via programming?
Débuté par Robert, 22 avr. 2021 14:48 - 1 réponse
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Posté le 22 avril 2021 - 14:48
I know you can change the screen orientation via SysScreenOrientation, but is there a way to programmatically change the Orientation property of a window?

The setting where if you go to the Describing the window screen > GUI > Orientation = Free | Locked Portrate | Locked Landscape
Posté le 28 janvier 2022 - 12:04
Have you tried editing the manifest? I have managed the orientation of windows this way.

During the generation of the application go to "Advanced configuration"/"Edit manifest" and then modify the screenOrinetation attributes for all activities (windows) you want.