Accueil → WINDEV Mobile 2024 → Android No expanded opcode for R.java
Android No expanded opcode for R.java
Débuté par EdwardSMaTeresa, 29 avr. 2022 07:26 - Aucune réponse
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6 messages
Posté le 29 avril 2022 - 07:26
I have an important problem while compiling Android Application.

Using Windev Mobile, it generates java code, compile and create apk, however, when the apk creation, an error happens:

command line: "myjavapath\java.exe" -Xmx1024m -Djava.ext.dirs=.\platform-tools\lib -jar .\platform-tools\lib\dx.jar --dex --output "path\classes.dex" "path\classes" "path\libs"

returned error: Trouble writing output: No expanded opcode for 0004368d R.java:11@0001: invoke-direct v0:NffffLmynamespace/R$attr;, java.lang.Object.<init>:()v

Furthermore, R$attr in R.java contains nothing:

public static final class attr {
I assume there is a hard limit of 64k. But:

The R.java file contains only 364 lines, if these lines are fields/methods references, I'm very far away from 64k hard limit.
This error happened when I add a specific window, in my Windev Mobile project. Window that I'm using in another project without error.
So, what do you think it comes from? If you need any information, or document, no problem.

Thanks in advance.