Inicio → WINDEV 25 → Unable to load <C:\WebDev19\wd190msql64.dll> access DLL.
Unable to load <C:\WebDev19\wd190msql64.dll> access DLL.
Iniciado por ANGELOREIS, mar., 16 2015 9:45 PM - 3 respostas
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Publicado em março, 16 2015 - 9:45 PM
Olá, pessoal!

Já tiveram este tipo de problema no WAS?

Unable to load <C:\WebDev19\wd190msql64.dll> access DLL.

WL call: Process of 'Initializing PreCadastroEscola (server)', line 38, thread 0 'HOpenConnection' FUNCTION, syntax 0 What happened? Unable to load <C:\WebDev19\wd190msql64.dll> access DLL. Error code: 73000 Level: fatal Error (EL_FATAL) WD55 Error code: 3000 System Error code: 126 System Error Message: The specified module could not be found. Dump of the Error of 'WD190HF64.DLL' module ( Identifier of detailed information (.err): 72333 Debugging information: IEWDHF=74.1 Module=<WDHF> Version=<> FONCTION (7,210) Additional Information: EIT_PILEWL : Initializing PreCadastroEscola (server) (), line 38 EIT_DATEHEURE : 16/03/2015 17:44:29


The specified module could not be found. (126)

Analista de Sistemas Jr
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Publicado em março, 16 2015 - 9:48 PM

Analista de Sistemas Jr
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Fotografo nas horas Vagas
Pai da Alícia e Marido da Andréa ?
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Publicado em março, 16 2015 - 9:58 PM

Acessar o Link: http://www.windev.com/ts/download/common-modules-19/mysql.htm

Fazer o download do pacote e instalar para solucionar o problema.

Agradecimentos ao Adriano Boller!

Analista de Sistemas Jr
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Fotografo nas horas Vagas
Pai da Alícia e Marido da Andréa <3
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Publicado em março, 16 2015 - 10:24 PM
:thank you: