Inicio → WINDEV 2024 → RAD
Iniciado por RAVI, jul., 08 2020 10:51 AM - 2 respostas
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Publicado em julho, 08 2020 - 10:51 AM

I am working on a project. I used the RAD on a few minor files I did not want to develop the interface for. However, every time I add new files to the analysis, the RAD is generating programs for tables I did not want the RAD. This is adding screens, etc... to my already big project. Can anyone tell me how to turn the RAD off?
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Popularité : +1 (1 vote)
Publicado em julho, 12 2020 - 2:33 PM
on the project Description page, go to the tab - Analysis - there is RAD generation , tick it OFF
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Publicado em julho, 13 2020 - 10:28 AM
Thanks Ben. I have ticked it off. This was driving me crazy. Thanks again