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Calling Web Service
Débuté par PEM, 18 juil. 2010 19:18 - Aucune réponse
Posté le 18 juillet 2010 - 19:18

Greetings All,

I have a simple window in Windev Mobile with a button and two edit controls.

I imported a web service and I can 'see' that it is in the project as a resource.

I put the following code into the clicked event of a button.

When I run the project, I 'see' the first info window pop up with the value of PlaceEXPRESS. Then the code fails with the error below. I guess I am supposed to somehow instantiate the web service, but not sure how.

Thanks to anyone who can point me in the right direction!!


PlaceEXPRESS is string
LatlongEXPRESS is string

PlaceEXPRESS = EDT_place..Value

Info("The value of PlaceEXPRESS is: " + PlaceEXPRESS)

sLatlongEXPRESS = GetLatLongByStreetAdd(PlaceEXPRESS)

Info("The value of LatLongEXPRESS Is: " + LatlongEXPRESS)

EDT_LatLong..Value = LatlongEXPRESS

Error at line 8 of Click BTN_Button1 process.
No 'GetLatLongByStreetAdd' operation with 1 parameter(s) was found.


----- Technical Information -----

WL call:
Process of 'Click BTN_Button1' (EXPRESS_Window_GetLatLong.BTN_Button1), line 8, thread 0

What happened?
No 'GetLatLongByStreetAdd' operation with 1 parameter(s) was found.

Error code: 40048
Level: fatal error (EL_FATAL)

Dump of the error of 'WD150XML.DLL' module (15.00Fqa).
Additional Information:
Click BTN_Button1 (EXPRESS_Window_GetLatLong.BTN_Button1), line 8
EIT_DATEHEURE : 17/07/2010 15:21:03