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Unable to access Analysis data from another Project
Iniciado por Ewart de Souza, ago., 10 2008 6:49 PM - 1 resposta
Publicado em agosto, 10 2008 - 6:49 PM
Hi All,
I'm new to Webdev12. I find that the data in an analysis is accessable only in the project in which the analysis is created. I say this because when I run a simple program to copy one file to a new file - it only works in the project that has created the analysis. In the new project it behaves as though there is no data existing i.e. blank file.

Is there a process whereby the data in an analysis is accessable to other projects ?? I tried looking up the tutorial & the online help info but couldn't find any clue how to do this.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Publicado em agosto, 26 2008 - 12:44 AM
By default the default directory is the "EXE" directory inside the current project.

You can change this setting in the Analysis, just open the File Description and pick a folder.

Another thing you can do (can be more easy), is to change the directory in the project initialization code with the HChangeDir function:

HChangeDir("*", "C:\DataFiles")

This will change all your file's physical path to the specified directory.

Hope this helps!

Hilario Perez Corona
Nabu Tecnologia en Software