Inicio → WEBDEV 2024 → Looper hightlight
Looper hightlight
Iniciado por Joao Cruz, out., 17 2008 1:30 AM - 1 resposta
Publicado em outubro, 17 2008 - 1:30 AM
Dear All,

Has someone ever tried to hightlight a looper "current" line ?

Can it be done ? How ?

My aim would be to click on a specific looper row and know where I am.

Any ideias (or even better examples) ?

Thank you in advance.

Publicado em dezembro, 17 2008 - 12:00 AM
I haven't tried changing color with just a click on any part of the row, but here is how with a check box in the looper. Place a check box control inside the looper to select the row - no caption, no option-.
on Whenever Modified process of the check box, do the following. And make sure the process is in AJAX mode to prevent reload.

You might have to use Javascript instead if you wanna do it with a click anywere. Brushcolor attribute is not accessible in browser code. Or put all controls in a cell, and try to manipulate the cell bgcolor with executeprocess.

IF AttributeCHKBOX[Looper]..Value THEN
Looper[Looper]..BrushColor = LightRed
Looper[Looper]..BrushColor = White


Dear All,

Has someone ever tried to hightlight a looper "current" line ?

Can it be done ? How ?

My aim would be to click on a specific looper row and know where I am.

Any ideias (or even better examples) ?

Thank you in advance.