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Browser Code
Iniciado por Helena, dez., 21 2008 8:29 PM - 3 respostas
Publicado em dezembro, 21 2008 - 8:29 PM
I am working in a Webdev project. I have a very strange error. The browser code in some pages don't work at all. For example. I put a button and a cell(invisible) on page. On the browser code of button, I put cell_cell1..visible=true. But It doesn't work.
Any thought about it?

Publicado em dezembro, 22 2008 - 8:02 AM
Hi Helena...

what are the settings of the button? If it is set to send values to the
server, than the browser code IS working, but the result if then
overwritten as the server send the page a second time, in its original
state... You should have your button setting to 'none'

Best regards

Fabrice Harari
International WinDev, WebDev and WinDev mobile Consulting

More information on http://www.fabriceharari.com

Helena wrote:
I am working in a Webdev project. I have a very strange error. The browser code in some pages don't work at all. For example. I put a button and a cell(invisible) on page. On the browser code of button, I put cell_cell1..visible=true. But It doesn't work.
Any thought about it?

Publicado em dezembro, 22 2008 - 4:05 PM
Thanks for your reply. But I still have question about it :
1. You said "You should have your button setting to 'none'" , do you mean the action?
2. I tried another page. first, I put a graph in a cell, make it invisible, then I put another image on the screen, in the mouseover browser code of image, I set
cell_graph..visible=true and in mouseout browser code, I set
but it doesn't work.

Could you give me more suggestion about it?
Publicado em dezembro, 22 2008 - 5:49 PM
Hi Helena..

Thanks for your reply. But I still have question about it :
1. You said "You should have your button setting to 'none'" , do you mean the action?


2. I tried another page. first, I put a graph in a cell, make it invisible, then I put another image on the screen, in the mouseover browser code of image, I set
cell_graph..visible=true and in mouseout browser code, I set
but it doesn't work.

The image being invisible, I doubt that any code (including mouseOver)
will be active... Did you try to put that code in the CELL code instead?

best regards

Fabrice Harari
International WinDev, WebDev and WinDev mobile Consulting

More information on http://www.fabriceharari.com

Could you give me more suggestion about it?