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Index on Php Looper
Iniciado por Sandro Abramo, ago., 27 2009 1:18 PM - 1 resposta
Publicado em agosto, 27 2009 - 1:18 PM
I have tried to use a looper in PHP. It works but when I try to retrieve the link selected by user in the looper I have all the ATT_* attribute empty. I have already tried to use the PAGE_Looper.wwh (transformed in PHP page) but it is the same. Clicking on the link, I got blank info.
The question is.. how can I identify the image clicked by user if the image is in the looper ? all the site is in php.

thank you in advance
Publicado em agosto, 28 2009 - 10:03 PM
What i use to do is save the Index of the looper in a hidden EDT, and executing a hidden Button...

In the Click event of the Browser code of the Image:

// Assign the Current Looper Index
EDT_LooperIndex = LOOP_Looper

// Execute the Button
ExecuteProcess(BTN_ImageClick, trtClick)

Now, on the Server code of the BTN_ImageClick (the button is Hidden):

// Here i can get the Attributes....

It's a little "cheat", but it works for me.