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WebDev 14 PayPal Component
Iniciado por John Rushing, jan., 04 2010 5:36 PM - 2 respostas
Publicado em janeiro, 04 2010 - 5:36 PM

I am using the PayPal component that comes with WebDev 14 in an application and it seems to be working fine except that I am not able to set the language that is being used for payment processing. No matter what I do, it defaults to French and goes to the paypal/fr/... site.

Is there anyway to get the component to use the US site? I noticed in the component description that there is a variable defined for language but no service or method is defined to access it as far as I can tell.

Publicado em janeiro, 08 2010 - 11:13 PM

In the "Component_PayPal_-_Source" project, in "IP_BuyNowButton", edit the code of "_HTML" local procedure.
In this procedure, find the code <Input type="hidden" name="lc" value="FR">,
and on this line, replace "FR" by your country code.

For instance, to use US site Paypal, replace "FR" by "US".

The list of country codes is available here :
Publicado em janeiro, 09 2010 - 10:09 AM
Thank you so much for your help.

I made the changes to the source of the Pay Pal component and generated it again and it works beautifully.

Thank you!!