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How to build a product comparison/benchmark report?
Iniciado por AndreK, abr., 27 2011 5:21 PM - 3 respostas
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15 mensagems
Publicado em abril, 27 2011 - 5:21 PM

I am coming up against the following issue: I cannot build a comparison report displaying side by side the fields of several records from a file or query:

1. I have a Product file made up of fields describing the product features:
description (text),
about 50+ fields.

2. I want the online user be able to select a few products and a few features from the list in order to allow for a comparison field by field:
- the selected products in the colomns
- the fields in the rows

I want a comparison table like every paper magazine (cars, IT,...) displays to compare a few selected products. I want have it as a report, like a table report but a transposed one.
This is a very useful display for web sites and I would be surprised if nobody has made it yet.
I am wondering if this can be done with Webdev as I have searched but found nothing so far.

Any idea would be welcome


Publicado em abril, 28 2011 - 12:51 AM
Hi Andrek

just create a memory (filled by programming) table, and in the first
column you set the proeprty name, in the first line, each product
name/reference, and in each col/line the value that you need

Best regards

Fabrice Harari
International WinDev, WebDev and WinDev mobile Consulting

More information on http://www.fabriceharari.com

On 27/04/2011 10:33, AndreK wrote:

I am coming up against the following issue: I cannot build a comparison report displaying side by side the fields of several records from a file or query:

1. I have a Product file made up of fields describing the product features:
description (text),
about 50+ fields.

2. I want the online user be able to select a few products and a few features from the list in order to allow for a comparison field by field:
- the selected products in the colomns
- the fields in the rows

I want a comparison table like every paper magazine (cars, IT,...) displays to compare a few selected products. I want have it as a report, like a table report but a transposed one.
This is a very useful display for web sites and I would be surprised if nobody has made it yet.
I am wondering if this can be done with Webdev as I have searched but found nothing so far.

Any idea would be welcome



Membro registado
15 mensagems
Publicado em maio, 03 2011 - 9:23 AM
Hello Fabrice,
Thanks a lot, that works very well!
I have a little problem though:
I have choosen to create the table with 4 columns to display up to 3 products (first colomn is name of fields). When I display the table for 3 products, 2 products, 1 product, the width of the text in the colomn stay the same:
for example, displaying the table for
1. products A, B, C
2. products A, B
3. product A only
The same text field for product A will be displayed with exactly the same words on each line of the table cell or exactly the same number of lines.
I would have expected an optimal fill for text cells from display A, B, C to A.
To fix that, I have created as many tables as needed, eg a 4 column table , a 3 column table a 2 column table and according to the choice of the user, the relevant table is displayed. That works: the text fills the entire colomn but it makes the code 3 times bigger.
Now, however, for some reason I do not understand, if I superpose those 3 tables, none of them will be displayed. I have tried to play on the superposition tick box for each/all tables but it doesn't work:
Is there a solution or should I use a different method?
Thanks for any idea
Best regards
Publicado em junho, 05 2011 - 11:12 PM
You can create it on http://socialcompare.com and embed it on your website.