Inicio → WINDEV 2024 → Soundex
Iniciado por Norman Bailey, fev., 27 2004 11:52 AM - 2 respostas
Publicado em fevereiro, 27 2004 - 11:52 AM
Has anybody already written the code to convert a string to its soundex equivalent?
I have already written the code in another language but it will take time to convert. Some nice and kind person might have already done it or it might be in 7.5 somewhere that I haven't yet found.
Publicado em fevereiro, 27 2004 - 3:05 PM
I recoded my soundex routine source code from a DOS-based database language into Windev 7.5 in two hours. Fully working!
Publicado em fevereiro, 27 2004 - 8:17 PM
Congratulations! How about sharing your routine? I'd be interested in your code .. very interested
I recoded my soundex routine source code from a DOS-based database language into Windev 7.5 in two hours. Fully working!