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WD16 Android Looper [URGENT] Issue
Iniciado por Dave, jun., 03 2011 12:01 PM - 2 respostas
Publicado em junho, 03 2011 - 12:01 PM
Hi, can anyone please help

I am using a looper control to display a query result that has a conditional (where) clause using one parameter (param1=productcode)

When moving from a product window to the new looper window, param1 is set to the productcode in the initialise block and the looper shows correct data for that product BUT when close() back to previous product window and a new product is selected, the looper still shows the previous products data. I have info(productcode) in the initialise where the param1 is set and the correct product code is in focus. I have tried with both direct file access and using a query.

Strange thing is that this only happens on the android device not in the WD16 emulator, in WD16 emulator it is correct !

Please can anyone help, am i missing something, is this a known issue?

Kind regards

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11 mensagems
Publicado em julho, 29 2011 - 3:47 PM
Did anyone ever answer this?
Membro registado
11 mensagems
Publicado em julho, 29 2011 - 4:07 PM
LooperDisplay() .... this does is (I use is just avter MySource.Param1="")