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Open document from webdev 19
Started by jbistuer, Jul., 23 2014 11:10 PM - 5 replies
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19 messages
Posted on July, 23 2014 - 11:10 PM
Hi everybody,

I've a huge problem. When I try to open a document WORD from a webdev application, WINWORD is opened but not document is shown. I get an empty WINWORD screen.
I execute the instruction LanceAppliAssocie(name of document.doc).

Please can anybody help me?
Thanks in advance.
Posted on July, 24 2014 - 2:07 PM
Hi Jordi

Why would you want to open a word document on the web server?

Lanceappliassocie is available only in server code, hence opens the
document on the server, where nobody will be able to see it.

I think that you did not realize that in test mode, your machine is both
the server and the client, and therefore you are trying to do something
that is not doable, at least not directly.

If what you want to do is open a word document in word on the client
side, you will need to develop a java applet (in windev) have your
client install and authorize java, and have your webdev page tell the
java applet to open the word document

Best regards

Fabrice Harari
International WinDev, WebDev and WinDev mobile Consulting

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More information on http://www.fabriceharari.com

On 7/23/2014 3:10 PM, jbistuer wrote:
Hi everybody,

I've a huge problem. When I try to open a document WORD from a webdev
application, WINWORD is opened but not document is shown. I get an empty
WINWORD screen.
I execute the instruction LanceAppliAssocie(name of document.doc).

Please can anybody help me?
Thanks in advance.
Registered member
19 messages
Posted on July, 24 2014 - 6:33 PM
Hi Fabrice,

Actually I want/need to open the document on the client side.
Unfortunally I don't know how to create the java applet you say and how to call it in the webdeb page :(

Please, can you help me?
Or give me any suggestion about it?

A lot of thanks in advance.
Posted on July, 25 2014 - 1:34 PM
Hi Jordi

For information about how to create a java applet, you have of course
the online help, but there are also several examples available:
- WD JavaMail (free)
- and then several examples in LSTs 68, 78 and 91 ($$$)

Best regards

Fabrice Harari
International WinDev, WebDev and WinDev mobile Consulting

NEW: WXShowroom.com is available: Show your projects!
More information on http://www.fabriceharari.com

On 7/24/2014 10:33 AM, jbistuer wrote:
Hi Fabrice,

Actually I want/need to open the document on the client side.
Unfortunally I don't know how to create the java applet you say and how
to call it in the webdeb page :(

Please, can you help me?
Or give me any suggestion about it?

A lot of thanks in advance.
Registered member
12 messages
Posted on July, 28 2014 - 11:01 AM
Why do you want to use a Javaapplet to display a Word-Document. I think, Word is installed on the client computer, on which you want to open the document.

I use the Filedisplay()-function in Webdev:

FileDisplay(<Name of file>, "application/msword")

the same you can use to open excel-sheets:

FileDisplay(<Name of file>, "application/vnd.ms-excel"

Here some code from my application. I have a table, were i stored the files, then extract it and display it on the client. The files are shown in a table with single-selection:

sResult is string
sResult = COL_ArchivID //Use Column with ID for the search

//Search Record
HReadSeekFirst(ARCHIV, ARCHIVID,sResult)

If HFound(ARCHIV) then
//Get File from Database
//Open File
//Delete the file on the server

The table in the Analysis stores the following informations:

ARCHIVID --> automatic ID
File --> Sound,image,binary --> Sub-Type: Other Binary Memo
Filename --> Text
Posted on July, 28 2014 - 2:20 PM

you are "displaying" a file available on the "server".

My current understanding is that he is trying to OPEN a file situated on

Best regards

Fabrice Harari
International WinDev, WebDev and WinDev mobile Consulting

NEW: WXShowroom.com is available: Show your projects!
More information on http://www.fabriceharari.com

On 7/28/2014 3:01 AM, Steahlty wrote:
Why do you want to use a Javaapplet to display a Word-Document. I think,
Word is installed on the client computer, on which you want to open the

I use the Filedisplay()-function in Webdev:

FileDisplay(<Name of file>, "application/msword")

the same you can use to open excel-sheets:

FileDisplay(<Name of file>, "application/vnd.ms-excel"

Here some code from my application. I have a table, were i stored the
files, then extract it and display it on the client. The files are shown
in a table with single-selection:

sResult is string
sResult = COL_ArchivID //Use Column with ID for the search

//Search Record
HReadSeekFirst(ARCHIV, ARCHIVID,sResult)

If HFound(ARCHIV) then
//Get File from Database
//Open File
//Delete the file on the server

The table in the Analysis stores the following informations:

ARCHIVID --> automatic ID
File --> Sound,image,binary --> Sub-Type: Other Binary Memo
Filename --> Text