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Display an Image in a Table column
Started by Shahine, Apr., 25 2008 6:55 PM - 5 replies
Posted on April, 25 2008 - 6:55 PM

How can I display an image in a table column?
I have a column that is not linked to any fields and its type is Image. I want to be able to set the image depending on the value of other columns.

On the RowDisplay of the table I have:

Table1.Column1..Value = image1..Image

Column1 = My image column in the table
image1 = A hidden image on the form

But this doesn't seem to work? What am I doing wrong?

Many Thanks
Posted on April, 27 2008 - 10:21 AM
Hi Shahine,

Good to meet you (Briefly) at the UKIWDG last week.

I tested it and it works if you use the name of the image file which is stored in the _WEB directory of your project.


Posted on April, 27 2008 - 4:50 PM
Hi Bob

Thanks for the answer. I was using the full path and it wasn't working.
As soon as I just put the name of the png file it work.

Thanks for the help.

ps. I really enjoyed the UKIWDG. I thought it was very useful.
Thanks for arranging it.


Posted on April, 30 2008 - 12:47 PM
Hi, I've got the same problem, how can I show an image that is not on the root of the site, but for example is on another shared path ?
Thank you
Posted on June, 27 2008 - 12:53 AM
If you know something it(he,she) brings over of this problem you make to me it know thank you

Giovanni Galimberti escribir un mensaje de news <481831c3$1@news.pcsoft.fr> :

Hi, I've got the same problem, how can I show an image that is not on the root of the site, but for example is on another shared path ?
Thank you
Posted on August, 26 2008 - 12:44 AM
Hi all...

To display an image in a table depending on other columns conditions, just assign the image name (the image must be somewhere inside the "_WEB" directory)...

IF COL_DueDate > Today() THEN
COL_Image = "bad.gif"
COL_Image = "good.gif"

If you have an image in other place, away from the "_WEB" directory, they you will need to apply a little trick with AWP.

1) Create a new page, with any style, this page will never be displayed. Name it "file.wwh".

2) On the page description check the "Generation in AWP mode" option, this will allow us to call the page without context.

3) On the "Initialization" section of the page type in:

sSharedDirectory is string = "C:/Shared"

sOutputFile is string = PageParameter("name")

sLocalFile is string = sSharedDirectory + ["/"] + sOutputFile


4) Change the value of "sSharedDirectory" to the path to your shared directory, remember to change the "\" for "/" and avoid the last one.

5) Since the file will be called in AWP mode, we just assign the file to the column:

COL_Image = "UK/file.awp?name=image.gif"


* "UK" is the Nation (it can be ES, FR, or other, depending on your language settings)

* "file.awp" is the page file.wwh but in AWP mode. If you named the page "myfile.wwh", then this will need to be changed to "myfile.awp".

* "image.gif" is the name of the file inside the shared directory.

As you can see, the page "file.wwh" works as a proxy to access the files in our shared directory.

You can use this on non-columns images like this:

IMG_Image1 = "UK/file.awp?name=random_banner_updated_by_other_system.gif"

Hope this helps!

Hilario Perez Corona
Nabu Tecnologia en Software