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.NET generation in Windev 8
Started by J. Flietstra, Apr., 05 2004 11:35 PM - 5 replies
Posted on April, 05 2004 - 11:35 PM
What does the .Net generation mean???
Can Windev 8 generate .Net code from my application?
J. Flietstra
Posted on April, 06 2004 - 3:22 AM
What does the .Net generation mean???
Can Windev 8 generate .Net code from my application?
J. Flietstra
From what I understand from reading the WD8 Help file, WD will generate .Net assemblies. You just have to select it when you compile to end user. I have not tried it myself so standard warranty applies.

Posted on April, 06 2004 - 3:56 AM
Hello hello,
Yes it really does generate .NET assemblies and executables. In fact I generated an executable from one of my standard program and it was compiled by the .NET C compiler that comes with the .NET stuff - took a whole 15 seconds, but like the dog that finally caught the car, I don't know what to do with it once I have it...

What does the .Net generation mean???
Can Windev 8 generate .Net code from my application?
J. Flietstra
From what I understand from reading the WD8 Help file, WD will generate .Net assemblies. You just have to select it when you compile to end user. I have not tried it myself so standard warranty applies.

Posted on April, 06 2004 - 8:32 AM
Hello hello,
but like the dog that finally caught the car, I don't know what to do with it once I have it...

Simple. The next time a potential client asks if we can do dotNet, we can honestly say "Of course we can! Or we can make you an executable if you don't want you computer to slow down."

WinDevUS Website
Posted on April, 06 2004 - 10:13 AM
>From what I understand from reading the WD8 Help file, WD will generate .Net assemblies. You just have to select it when you compile to end user. I have not tried it myself so standard warranty applies.

Im my opinion is .Net generation the generation of aspx code based on vb of cs
and a application that is generated for .Net can be run in a web interface/browser.
I see that the .Net generation also makes a EXE compiled with the compiler from the .Net framework. What can i do with this??
J. Flietstra
Posted on April, 06 2004 - 10:50 AM
What does the .Net generation mean???
Can Windev 8 generate .Net code from my application?
J. Flietstra

Hi all,
If Windev generates .NET assemblies (EXE's or DLL's), what it apparently does, this really opens a lot of integration possibilities with the mananaged .NET framework. Some toughts :
- a Windev GUI could interact with .NET backoffice systems
- Windev generated .NET components can be merged with .NET components to become a big application; transparant for the user
- the use of web services (see Microsofts SOA) becomes seamless
If I can be of further assistance, please contact me. As I am a C# .NET MCP I might help you.