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Overridind a method
Started by Tom Thorward, Oct., 30 2004 9:50 AM - No answer
Posted on October, 30 2004 - 9:50 AM
I want to override the method _vCheckModification in the CWDForm Class in
order to change the user message generated by this method. I defined a new
subclass "cMyForm" but when I try to define a method with the same name as
_vCheckModification in order to override the original, I get an error
message. I tried defining a new method, "_vCheckModification2" but that
only helps where I can control the call to the method, as from the "Apply"
button on the form. Since _vCheckModification is called from a number of
places in CWDForm, the old message keeps popping up. Do I have to completely
rewrite the class to get around this or is there a way to overwrite