Home → WINDEV 2024 → WinDevMessageBox
Started by DT, May, 06 2005 9:20 PM - No answer
Posted on May, 06 2005 - 9:20 PM
Hi Everyone,
How do I/can I communicate with WinDevMessageBox?
As a preference I like the displayed text aligned centrally so I have altered the setting accordingly.
On certain occassions I want the text to display as Left aligned so I have used the following code....
WinDevMessageBox.LIB_INFO..HorizontalAlignment = haLeft
Everything appears to be OK, when coding the window is displayed in the drop down list and having entered the dot I get a list of all the controls.
The code passes the checker and the project can be compiled without errors.
When I run the program however I get the error 1017
WinDevMessageBox.LIB_INFO control unknown.
I have checked the Help and other than a list of thing I should not do (add controls, change code etc) is does not indicate that the window is somehow invisible to the rest of the project unless call by a WD function.
Probably something I will have to live with but any insight would be appreciated.