Home → WINDEV 2024 → wd 8 : no searchable colum in table when combobox
wd 8 : no searchable colum in table when combobox
Started by Christine, May, 11 2005 1:55 PM - No answer
Posted on May, 11 2005 - 1:55 PM
i have a table control on a form which shows the contents of a customerfile.
The first colomn of the table is combobox which contains a countryNumber and displays a country name (via the content tab of description i show the country name like BE or FR ...)
i see that this column can not be "searchable" . The icon is missing in the header.
Note that in the description searchable is selected and in the analyse the countrynumber is a duplicate key.
how can i make this column searchable (so that i can search on country BE )